Table of Contents
If you are plannging to go for adoption then remember books to read for foster parents which will help you make your process easy. Decision is to for adoption is quite a big decision of life and one should prepare well for it. To make your journey as a foster parent easy lets dewelve into books to read for foster parents.
These books offer a wealth of information, ranging from the practical aspects of adoption procedures to the emotional nuances involved in building a connection with your future child. They provide invaluable advice on creating a nurturing and supportive environment, understanding the unique challenges faced by adopted children, and fostering a strong and loving family dynamic.
Three Little Word by Ashley Rhodes Couter : Books to read for foster parents

The book is a memoir of the writer Ashley Rhodes Couter. This book is for foster parents, she has shared her prospective as a foster child living in thirteen homes in 7 years. Her happy time in her grandparents foster home to her brutal experience at the Moss’s foster home. How she kept waiting for her biological mother to come and take her back which never happened to how a caseworker at Children’s Home of Tampa helped her to get adopted, by ensuring that Ashley’s mom did not have rights to her (so that Ashley can be adopted and not sent to foster care homes). How her new parents loved her, took care of her. How a caring loving family can change a foster kid into a strong independent and happy adult.
Note: For the new foster parents, it’s a must read as it will help you understand, what could be a young kid going through in their heart and mind and how a foster parent’s behavior can make or break them. All it required is love empathy and care to nurture a growing seed into a beautiful tree.
To The End of June by Cris Beam : Books to read for foster parents

The book is written by Cris Beam who herself is a foster mom. In this book, the writer has discussed about the lives of foster kids at critical points in search of stable and loving families. The writer discusses about the life cycle of foster child and also describes the intricacies in the system, highlighted the facts and truth of the system, back-and-forth with agencies, the shuffling between pre-adoptive homes and group homes, the emotionally charged tug of prospective adoptive parents, the fundamental pull of birth parents and most important cut off ages for young adults to be in foster homes or care homes. In all this, what happens to these system-reared kids who become adults?
Note: This book is for foster parents as it will guide them, that by just being a part of public welfare system which prioritized child safety and structure (a practical approach towards kids) instead of attachment and permanent bonding (for kids to grow in healthy environment) cannot be the way forward. The system needs to reform for both the kids, young adults as well for the biological and adoption parents.
The Connected Child by Karyn B. Purvis : Books to read for foster parents
This book for foster parents, is one of its kind as it not only talks about foster kids experience or point of view of a foster parent but it’s like manual for parenting. Written by research psychologists specializing in adoption and attachment, the book talks on critical topics on how to create a bond of affection with your foster child, how to build trust with them, how to behave and deal with children with learning or behavioral disorders or how to discipline a child without making them feel unloved or threatened. The book is full of important information about kids going through trauma in their early years, it’s causes, effects, and how to help children struggling with the effects.
Note: The book is like a user manual for foster parents. The book will help foster parents in better parenting, their behavior towards a young kid who is looking for love and safety.
What to Expect When You’re Adopting- By Ian Palmer : Books to read for foster parents

The book is quite informative and fact driven for those that don’t already know much about the world of adoption. The writer talks mainly about older children’ adoption. A good practical advice book from an author who understands through being adopted himself. The things you really need to take into account if you are considering adopting a child. The author Ian makes it clear that the adoption road can be hard at times and he shares good advice on how to deal with it by thinking in a positive way and cooperating with all concerned.
Note: This is a good book for foster parents who are going through the process of foster parenting for the first time. It will help them better understand the process, experiences, and challenges, which will make them well-prepared for foster parenting.
People who decide to foster parenting should understand one thing: not only will they have foster kids at their home to whom you provide shelter and basic needs, but it’s more than that.
You need to provide them love, care, empathy and acceptance in your heart and society. You need to leave a loveable memory in their heart for life rather than a trauma which will make them worse in their adulthood. Today’s foster kids are tomorrow’s young adults and generation which can build this world or spoil it.
If you find books related to fostering interesting then you should also check out “look and find books” which help to nurture an analytical mindset of your kids.