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Party time and yeah what better way to celebrate it than with low sugar alcoholic drinks. These days most of us are health conscious who want to enjoy the party but not have guilt of putting in calories in form of sugar from their drinks. To avoid this guilt of breaking your healthy eating habits and to have few drinks is ok in this busy life. Here in this article, we will see what easy low sugar alcoholic drinks can you make it at home and enjoy with friends and family.
Gin and Tonic water with cumber
Detox your drink, and refresh your vibe. Cucumber meets gin & and tonic, a flavour fusion that’ll cleanse your palate and spark your senses.

Recipe: a combination of gin and tonic water with a few slices of cucumber to a add twisty taste to your drink. Add by starting with 2 oz of gin over ice, and top it off with sugar-free or zero-sugar tonic water. Enhance the taste experience of this drink by adding a few drops of lemon and or lime and few slices of freshly cut cucumber to add taste to drink.
Regular Vodka Soda
Escape the ordinary with a citrus-infused vodka soda. It’s the perfect balance of classic comfort and contemporary cool.

Recipe: Combine Vodka soda with citrusy fruit like lemon or lime. Add 1.5 oz of your favourite vodka with soda water over ice in a glass.
Add a lime slice or a few ml of lime juice to your drink to make the taste tangy and citrus. It results in clean crisp cocktails that let the pure essence of vodka shine through without the guilt of consuming too many calories.
A perfect drink which is low sugar alcoholic drinks for every occassion when one wants to enjoy from regular diet without worrying for calories.
Elderflower Spritz: Low sugar alcoholic drinks
It’s an easy drink to make at home. A perfect combination of alcohol and water which keeps your calories count low when consumed.

Recipe: For this, we use St. Germain liquor, and dry sparkling wine with sparkling water. To make this drink use 1 ½ oz of St. Germain liquor, 2 oz of Dry Sparkling wine, and 2oz sparkling water. Mix all of it over ice in the glass. Add lemon or lime juice or a few slices of lemon to the drink, along with fresh mint leaves to add taste. And enjoy the refreshing taste of the low-sugar alcoholic drinks.
Rum & Diet Cola: Low sugar alcoholic drinks
One of the easiest drinks to make at home and which is low on sugar is Rum with Diet Coke. As everyone has diet coke and rum at home so whenever you feel like having low-sugar alcohol it’s a perfect blend for low-calorie count.

Recipe: Use 2 oz of your preferred rum and pour into a glass of your choice filled with ice. Add 6oz of Diet Coke to your drink and add a few drops of lime juice not necessary but adds to taste. Stir it well and sip a tasty cocktail of rum and cola. Easy to prepare and right choice for every occassion.
Mocktail Mojito: Low sugar alcoholic drinks
If you want to avoid alcohol completely than what better way to make a cocktail which everyone likes than a mocktail mojito? A drink without alcohol without compromising on the taste and low on sugar count.

Recipe: Muddle fresh mint leaves with 1oz of lime juice and 1-2 lemon slices. For sugar substitute, you can add honey for sure it will change the taste but a change of taste is for the better side. After muddling mint leaves and lemon slices add ice to the glass.
In the end, pour soda water or sparkling water of your choice and have a refreshing drink. Mojito provides the minty, citrusy goodness of traditional mojito without sugar as a sweetener is provided through honey.
A perfect choice of drink to charge you up and keep tabs on your sugar intake.
As life is getting fast-paced our eating habits have gone for toss. Thus, it’s quite important for everyone to take care of health. You can’t avoid partying with friends or family and drink is an integral part of gathering. Thus, to enjoy a happy moment to the fullest what better way is to feast on low-sugar alcoholic drinks? Recipes of these drinks don’t compromise on taste and help you control your sugar intake while you are enjoying.
If you like low sugar alcoholic drinks then do check no bake recipes for every occassion you want to celebrate.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s):
Question: Can I use any sugar substitute in the drink recipes?
Answer: Absolutely! Feel free to use your preferred sugar substitutes in these drinks. Honey is one of the best sugar substitutes to provide sweetness and keep your carb intake in control. You can also experiment with other options like stevia, erythritol, or monk fruit to find a sweetness level that suits your taste and liking. Remember your focus should be making a low sugar alcoholic drinks so choose combinations which provides low sugar count in your drink.
Question: Are these drinks low in calories as well along with low sugar?
Answer: Yes, most of these drinks are inherently low in calories, especially when you are using diet mixers in drinks. However, keep in consideration that the content of calories also varies based on different brands of liquor and quantities of it used in making your drink.
Question: Can I customize the recipes based on my preferred alcohol brands?
Answer: Certainly, there is no restriction on which brand of alcohol you have to use in your drinks. One needs to keep in attention the brand of liquor you are selecting is of low sugar content so that your drink remains low on sugar aspect.
Question: Are these drinks suitable for people with diabetes?
Answer: Most of the drinks are of low sugar content or completely sugar-free. It’s essential to consult your concerned healthcare professional if you have diabetes. Some artificial sweeteners or diet mixers may affect your blood sugar levels differently so it’s crucial to make a choice based on your health requirements. Remember health comes first then your drinks so act accordingly.